Tax Audit or Exam


An IRS audit or exam can be a stressful and complex experience. Receiving a notification from the IRS can be unsettling, even if you've filed your taxes accurately. Our experienced tax attorneys can guide you through the entire process and ensure your rights are protected.

What is an IRS audit/exam?

An audit or exam is a review of your tax return conducted by the IRS to verify the accuracy of your reported income, deductions, and credits. It can involve:

  • Requesting additional documentation: The IRS might request proof of income, deductions, or other tax-related information to support the information on your return.
  • Interviews: You may be contacted for an interview with an IRS agent to discuss your tax return in more detail. This can be conducted in person, by phone, or virtually.
  • Examination of your records: The IRS may need to examine your financial records, such as bank statements, investment records, and receipts, to verify the information you provided.

Types of Audits/Exams

  • Correspondence Audit: This is the most common type, conducted entirely through mail correspondence. The IRS might request additional documentation or ask clarifying questions about your return.
  • Office Audit: You'll be invited to meet with an IRS agent at their office to discuss your return and any discrepancies they may have found.
  • Field Audit: An IRS agent will visit your home, place of business, or accountant's office to conduct a more in-depth examination of your records.

We can help you with:

  • Understanding the audit/exam process: We'll explain what to expect and answer any questions you may have throughout the process.
  • Gathering and organizing requested documentation: We'll help you ensure you have all the necessary documents to present to the IRS.
  • Representing you during interviews: We'll accompany you to any interviews and advocate for your interests.
  • Negotiating with the IRS on your behalf: We'll work to minimize any potential tax liability or penalties arising from the audit/exam.
  • Appealing an unfavorable outcome: If you disagree with the IRS's findings, we can help you file an appeal.

Types of Audits/Exams

  • Correspondence Audit: This is the most common type, conducted entirely through mail correspondence. The IRS might request additional documentation or ask clarifying questions about your return.
  • Office Audit: You'll be invited to meet with an IRS agent at their office to discuss your return and any discrepancies they may have found.
  • Field Audit: An IRS agent will visit your home, place of business, or accountant's office to conduct a more in-depth examination of your records.

We can help you with:

  • Understanding the audit/exam process: We'll explain what to expect and answer any questions you may have throughout the process.
  • Gathering and organizing requested documentation: We'll help you ensure you have all the necessary documents to present to the IRS.
  • Representing you during interviews: We'll accompany you to any interviews and advocate for your interests.
  • Negotiating with the IRS on your behalf: We'll work to minimize any potential tax liability or penalties arising from the audit/exam.
  • Appealing an unfavorable outcome: If you disagree with the IRS's findings, we can help you file an appeal.

Don't face an IRS audit or exam alone. Contact us today for a confidential consultation. Our tax attorneys can provide the guidance and support you need to navigate the process effectively and ensure a favorable outcome.

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